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The Plan


Get initial funding for initial payments.


Register Build Base as an LLC.


Build the Build Base website.


Hire Manufacturing company for mass production.


Open the doors of buisness to customers!

Hire prototyping services.

Test, test, and retest!


Hire design services to refine/finalize blueprints.


Obtain angel investors.



Hire professionals to make a plan.


A project as big as Drift Gear needs funding just for intiaial research and planning. Funding may come from crowdfunding or a light investor.

To ensure success, these professionals will perform market research, investigate safety and buisness regulations, and write a buisness plan.

The next step needs more concept representation. The models created here will not be usable like the Iron Roller prototype. They will demonstrate critical components such as the fluid transimission system.

The market research, buisness plan, and demonstrational models will come into play here. Investors need convincing that their money will turn a profit.

"Honestly, I'm the only one who has worked on the Drift Gear blueprints. Anyone could have started this but only a team can finish it." - Julian Erickson

Proffesionals need to come together to increase the poteniel performence of Drift Gear, eliminate design flaws, and plan the manufacturing proccess.

A fully functional prototype built to macth every aspect of design must be tested for safety and performence. If there is a problem, then a new model will be built and the proccess repeats until all specifications are satisfied.

This is when Build Base will become a registered Limited Liability Company with all required licenses and credentials.

The website will be the customers portal to Drift Gear. Parts will be sold individually and as full gear packages.

Now the product is built for the customer with different colors and sizes.

Get ready to drft!

All plans are subject to change.

“It’s hard to convince people, let alone businesses, that something new will be a practical and profitable product. That’s why I’m going to start a limited liability company called Build Base to make sure Drift Gear gets manufactured and sold right. After all, who could do a better job of handling a work of art than the creator himself?” – Julian Erickson

Your portal to Drift Gear

All products must be built to stand the test of time and perform admirably. The price will not be advertized as “low” because that suggests low quality. Drift Gear is about strength and speed, not low prices. The mission is to bring back the art of inline skating on a whole new level.


Inline skating boomed as a very popular sport in the 90s. Groups got together on city streets and aggressive stunt skaters were not uncommon. The trend died like any other would, but it didn't die completely. There are still dedicated skaters and large competitions such as the Northshore Inline Marathon. Build Base will work to set off a second wave of popularity and raise the inline skating industry once again.



Car racing is fast and intensive. Foot races take extreme human effort and involvement. Drift Gear will combine the two for edge-of-your-seat excitement. If popularity of the equipment turns out for the better, Build Base will attempt to bring about professional Drift Gear racing. At the beginning, tickets to Build Base hosted competitions will pay for the racers' equipment. In the future, new competition hosts may rise and sponsors will pay way for the racers.

Check out the crowd-funding campaign on!

Learn more on the Get Involved page.

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