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Currently, Drift Gear is in the development stage. Nothing is available to the public yet, except an invitation to get involved. Here is a simple breakdown of the project progress:



Computer aided design (CAD) models of over 280 different part files and assembly designs of over 1000 part occurrences

The Iron Roller; a prototype that demonstrate the functionality of Drift Gear

Drift Gear Concept

Technology research and selection

Manufacturing and distrobution plan

Performance Predictions


Project supporters to spread the word

3rd party professional help with design, manufacturing,

and buisness

Fianacial backing


"I had the itching feeling that I had to do something I never did before. So I bought a pair of roller blades. I crashed a lot but before I knew it I was abscessed with skating. But when I go up steep hills or against strong winds, walking is easier than skating. This is when I came up with the idea that turned into Drift Gear. I live to go fast so the Drift Gear concept was all about speed from the begging." - Julian Erickson




Tech Research


The idea of motorized skates is not new of course. Most designs incorporate small electric batteries and motors on the actually skates. Here is an example of electric skates:


Product Title:  spnKiX


Designers have also approach the task of motorizing skates by attaching a gasoline engine to the back of the boot. Here is an example of such a device:


Product Title: MotoSK8


Drift Gear is based on a different approach. The weight of large batteries and a motor lies on the users back and a lightweight fluid pump transmits the energy to the skates.


Energy Storage

Gasoline is not safe enough to be the energy source of Drift Gear. Neither is hydrogen or other popular high energy dense materials. Lithium-ion battery technology will serve as the energy storage medium.


Chemical to Mechanical

Electric motors built for model aircraft have the highest power-to-weight ratio compared to other electric motors. They have low torque ratings but high rotations per minute. This usually makes them unsuitable for land vehicles but this is not the case for Drift Gear because of the special transmission system.


To Wheel Power

External gear pumps will drive the wheels of Drift Gear because they have a high power-to-weight ratio as well. They are also simple and easy to repair. Few moving parts are required to convert the electric motor's speed to torque.

Tech Selection

This section supplies some ideas of how well Drift Gear can perform. These are theoretical and based on one possible configuration of Drift Gear.


Energy of Energy Banks

energy desnisty = 1.6 MJ/L

stored energy = 5.2 L * 1.7 MJ/L = 8,800,000 Joules


same as 2.44 kW h (kilowatt hours)

2 battery pack configuration

volume of battery packs = 5.2 L

Significant Weight

Energy Banks and motor

weight of motor = 1.48 kg


alternate energy density of batteries = 0.7 MJ/kg = 1.43 kg/MJ

weight of batteries = 8.8 MJ * 1.43 kg/MJ = 12.6 kg


total weight = 1.48 kg + 12.6 kg = 14 kilograms

Duration at Full Thruttle

motor power = 6,500 J/s = 1.538*10^-4 s/J

duration = 8.8 MJ * 1.538×10^-4 s/J = 1350 seconds


22.55 minutes

estimated motor rpm under load = 7756 rpm

in-to-out pump volume ratio = 1 : 4

wheel rpm = 7756 rpm * 1/4 = 1939 rpm

wheel circumference = 4.71×10^-4 km

speed = 1939 rpm * 4.71×10^-4 km = 0.91 km/minute = 55 km/h


Top Speed

Rated Motor Power

 6,500 J/s

8.7 hp (horsepower)

34 mph

Performance Predictions

The Iron Roller

An idea is just an idea unless it is acted upon. Hours of hard work has produced a functional demonstration prototype called the Iron Roller. It doesn't come close to matching the Drift Gear designs but it displays the important concept. Zero exterior funding allotted construction of this prototype. Imagine what can be done with financial backing.


The prototype was not build with the intention to go nearly as fast as Drift Gear nor simulate proper efficiency.


The machine is made up of a hard exterior shell and has only for large wheels like Drift Gear. No resources was available to build a Power Pack and fluid transmission system so a power line was dragged from a stationary source during the test. To simulate a heavy Power Pack, skating tests was conducted in which the skater was wearing a backpack full of weights.


The Plan


What was originally a simple concept evolved into hundreds of blueprints. Every part, from fabrics to steel bushings, has taken form in computer assembly simulations. However, the design work is far from over because third party professionals are needed to finish the job. Their jobs will include optimizing the design for construction, cost, and performance.

Learn more on the Get Involved page.

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Watch the full video on the crowd-funding campaign:

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