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Some skaters may feel that a particular feature of Drift Gear doesn’t fit them. For example, maybe the Energy Bank is too heavy or the Wheel Lock is an unnecessary addition. Drift Gear is is highly modular so it can be customized for desired prices, features, and weight. The nature of the assembly also makes parts easy to replace.


  • Drift Gear Boot (2) - Just the boot with no wheels or actuator.

  • Brake Mount  (1) - Holds the Brake Pad.

  • Brake Pad (1) - The main brake on the back of one Boot.

  • Control Glove (2)

  • Drive Frame (2) - The frame for holding the wheels and actuator.

  • Drive Hose (2) - Hydraulic hose from the Power Pack to the Boot. 

  • Electronics Cable (4) - Connects Control Gloves and Boots to the Power Pack.

  • Energy Bank (2) - The lithium-ion battery back.

  • Equipment Harness (1) - Straps and buckles of the Power Pack.

  • Lamp (4) - LED lights for the front and back of the Boots.

  • Mother Module (1) - The computer, motor, pump, and pressure regulators.

  • Wheel (4)

  • Wheel Lock (2) - A set of components designed to fit in the Drive Frame as method to completely lock up the wheels, controllable from the Control Gloves.

These are the main components of Drift Gear. The number following the component name is the number required for a standard configuration.

Walk with style.


No one has to carry shoes around when they roller blade even if they want to make a pit stop at a convenience store. The skater can loosen two bolts, pop off the wheel frame, and hook it on the side of the boot. This frees the toe joint so they can walk without ever removing the boot.


Bigger is smoother.


Forget those pesky pebbles and cracks on the road. Larger wheels give a smoother ride over small obstacles.


Drift Gear

Speed Slider

Other products such as motorized surfboards, skates, and skateboards use a hand held remote to control the vehicle. Drift Gear utilizes Control Gloves. The point figures have speed control sliders which are accessible by the thumb. Extra controls are mounted on the back of the gloves. The skater’s hands are free and he/she doesn’t have to worry about juggling a remote.


Controls on right hand glove

  • Power (right boot)

  • Speed (right boot)

  • Front Lights

  • Max Speed

But keep it under control.


Wheel Lock

Back Lights

Power (left boot)

Light it up.


LED Lamp

Make them look.


Drift Gear brings in a new look with shinny metallic surfaces, similar to a car. No straps or buckles are visible on the boot which gives it an unbroken, sleek finish.

Twisting a knob on the back of the boot causes the front panels to pop off. The skater puts their foot in the boot and places the panels back on. Twisting the knob the other way locks the panels. Pumping it back and fourth fills internal airbags for a perfect fit. The skater secures the knob by pushing it in. Drift Gear is easy to equip.  

It's easy and snug.


Twist: Airbag Pressure

Push or pull: Lock

Light it up.


LED Lamp

LED Lamps are located on the front and back of the Boot to light up the way and signal the skater’s existence to drivers. It’s safe, and stylish. The back Lamps even light up a brighter red automatically when the skater uses their brake pad. It works just like brake lights on a car.


Keep a solid footing.


The skater just turned a corner onto a crowded street full of possible accidents. No problem, he or she can flip a switch on their Control Glove to activate the Wheel Lock. Now the wheels are locked so the skater can walk through the crowd safely without the chance of hitting someone.


The Energy Bank (battery) can be heavier than other battery powered skates, because it’s located on the user's back. A heavier energy source can support a more intense power load and a longer duration. Energy Banks can be customized to fit the skaters needs.

Charge yourself with energy.

8.8 MJ

motorized skates

What is Drift Gear?

Short Answer:

Motorized skates powered by an energy backpack and controlled by interface gloves.

Long Answer:

Drift Gear boots drive the skater with extra speed and stength that average skates can't provide. A backpack holds the weight of batteries and a motor so the user can move their feet faster. The motor supplies mechanical force to the boots through a fluid transmission system. Control gloves wrap all the functionality of Drift Gear in the skater's free hands.



Drift Gear is under development. Click here if you are interested about the progress.

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Let's step up the speed.


Drift Gear is about speed whether the skater is going up hills or facing strong winds. Design calls for a max speed of 55 km/h (34 mph) when skating conditions are right. For beginners who feel they aren’t ready for such a speed, Drift Gear is great for cruising casually and facing those hills and winds.

Skaters can get moving even if the Drift Gear motor is turned off, or they could stand and let the motor do all the work. However, Drift Gear is great for combining human effort with motor power to get places faster and work muscles at the same time.  

Work with the machine.




background source:

The transmission is the key.


One motor drives both skates through a fluid based transmission system. This is the key to the high power-to-weight ratio of Drift Gear. Each skate has a low weight, pressure-driven actuator. Without adjusting the power going into the motor, speed can be traded off for power and vise versa with the fluid transmission. It works similar to how bicyclists change gears for going up or down hills except changing gears with Drift Gear is seamless.

But it's all about speed.

Although a full set of Drift Gear equipment weighs more than the average pair of roller blades, the actual skates do not weigh much more at all. This fulfills the skater’s need to move their feet with agility.  Its the difference between walking around with a twenty pound backpack and walking around with twenty pound ankle weights.

Balance the weight right.


Low Mass Boot

High Mass Power Pack

Model the perfect configuration.

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